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Easy-to-use program to relay OSC messages to multiple programs.
What does this do?
Sometimes, VRChat has to send the same OSC messages to different programs, which requires having a startup argument before the game starts. This small program can receive OSC messages and relay to other programs. OSCRelay is written in C# .Net, with performance and easy-to-use in mind. OSCRelay also comes with SteamVR (OpenVR) support (BETA), which allows the program to be launched together with SteamVR. No need to run the program manually.
Recommended Specification
Any VRChat-capable High-end PC is recommended.
Update Log
[2024-07-22 v1.0] Initial Release
OSCRelay is open-source and available with MIT License. https://github.com/github-harunadev/OSCRelay OSCRelay uses these open-source libraries: - Newtonsoft.Json: https://www.newtonsoft.com/json - ModernWpf: https://github.com/Kinnara/ModernWpf - OscCore: https://github.com/tilde-love/osc-core - OpenVR: https://github.com/ValveSoftware/openvr